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Our courses will teach you essential money management or investing skills from a personal finance and investment expert. Or if you fancy yourself as the next Elon Musk, why not learn the strategy, marketing and financial basics of setting up your own company?






All of the courses are online, can be started at any time and are self-paced so you can fit them around existing commitments. The course material is delivered via your online account on our website and each week consists of a 15 minute (or so) video to watch, followed by a task, taking an hour to complete (in total).


Our courses are tailored to young people, with lots of practical tips and step-by-step real-life (but theoretical!) challenges. All of the three, six and twelve months finance courses are approved for the skills section of the bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award.


As soon as you've finished the course, we'll submit your assessor's report in your eDofE account. Any combination of courses can be offered so please contact us if you would like a different combination than those shown.

3 month courses

Finance courses to choose from...

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Money Management Skills

(3 months)


How To Set Up A Business (3 months)

3 month courses


6 month courses

Money Management +

How To Invest In Shares

(6 Months)

Money Management +

How To Set Up A Business 

(6 Months)

How To Invest In Shares + How To Set Up A Business

(6 Months)

12 month courses


Money Management + How To Invest In Shares + Setting Up A Business + Life Skills

(12 months)


Money Management + How To Invest In Shares + Life Skills

(12 months)

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